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NSK Launches D-VibA10 in India – Diagnoses Machinery Health to Prevent Unplanned Downtime

NSK Launches D-VibA10 in India – Diagnoses Machinery Health to Prevent Unplanned Downtime

NSK has launched the D-VibA10 in India. Available today, the compact, high-performance device can quickly diagnose the condition of rotating machinery.

The D-VibA10 is ready to meet diverse needs in the India market as NSK works closely with customers to level-up plant maintenance strategies and the monitoring of machine health. NSK is expanding device availability globally following a positive reception in Japan and China.

What is D-VibA10?

The D-VibA10 is a portable, palm-sized vibration diagnostic device. The device magnetically attaches to machinery to quickly diagnose flaking and other modes of bearing damage with results viewable on-site in the Android app. Assessing bearing health helps optimize bearing maintenance and replacement timing and is vital to avoid unplanned downtime due to sudden machine failure.


  1. Easy Setup and Use

Wireless – Measure machinery with safety doors or protective housings

Magnetic base for easy attachment and removal from machinery

Portable and lightweight – Ideal for maintenance patrols


  1. NSK App ‘Acous Navi’ New Window – Advanced Vibration Analysis and Damage Diagnosis

Scan for damage and determine the health of rotating machinery

Vibration meter, FFT analysis, oscilloscope

Android App – Set parameters and check diagnosis results on-site


  1. NSK Bearing Database

Simply select the bearing designation (product number) and attach to the machine to diagnose health


Vibro-Data Manager – Data Management Software for Windows PCs

Export data from the Android app to the Vibro-Data Manager software for Windows PCs. On PC, you can check trend graphs to monitor changes in equipment vibration values and compare waveforms to visually grasp the health of the bearing (machine). Convert data to CSV file format and automatically create diagnosis reports.


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