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Zimmermann’s Upcoming Plans for the Indian Gear Manufacturing Market

Zimmermann’s  Upcoming Plans for the Indian Gear Manufacturing  Market

By: Nishant Kashyap

Frieder Gänzle

CEO, F. Zimmermann GmbH

Frieder Gänzle, CEO of F. Zimmermann GmbH, spoke with Nishant Kashyap on Zimmermann’s latest developments, current trends, sustainability initiatives, and future plans at EMO Hannover 2023.
Here’s some valuable insights into the company’s strategies and its vision for the Indian market.

Zimmermann is known for innovative milling solutions. Could you provide insights into the latest technologies and innovations showcased by

Zimmermann at EMO Hannover 2023?

We showcased a groundbreaking thermosymmetric Portal Design with exceptional rigidity for Heavy Cutting Industries at EMO 2023.

This new symmetric portal design not only enhances rigidity but also ensures long-term accuracy through thermal stability, resulting in a more efficient and high-performing machine.

The global machine tool industry is rapidly evolving. In your opinion, what are the key developments and trends currently shaping the machine tool industry on a global scale?

We are observing a distinct trend towards automation and digitization. The surge in inquiries reflects a significant demand for automated and flexible manufacturing systems.

Milling solutions have seen significant technological advancements.

Can you elaborate on some of the most noteworthy technological developments in milling solutions that Zimmermann has been involved in?

Over the past few years, we have successfully brought our vision to life—a thermally stable machine system across all weight classes we offer. Paired with our specially crafted VH10-VH60 milling heads, we now provide the most technologically advanced symbiosis for highly dynamic 5-axis milling.

Looking forward, what do you envision as the future of the machine tool industry, and how does Zimmermann plan to remain a leader in this evolving landscape?

We are unwaveringly customer-centric, consistently seeking sophisticated solutions to address our customers’ challenges. This dedication is especially evident in our after-sales service.

Our commitment extends to ongoing efforts to optimize products and processes, ensuring unparalleled customer satisfaction.

Additionally, we are elevating our digital services and automated processes to provide added value for our customers.

Are there any emerging sectors or industries that you believe will drive the demand for machine tool solutions in the coming years?

We are consistently expanding our presence across various industries. In the upcoming years, we anticipate significant growth in both the aerospace and semiconductor sectors.

Industry 4.0 has been a transformative concept. How is Zimmermann embracing Industry 4.0 principles in its operations and products?

We are continuously advancing the digitization of our products and processes. Notably, we are actively developing a digital twin and exploring virtual commissioning as part of our ongoing initiatives.

India is an emerging market with substantial potential in manufacturing. What are your views on the Indian machine tool market, and do you see specific opportunities or challenges there?

India is undergoing rapid economic and social development. Recognizing India as a strategically crucial growth market in the upcoming years, we are intensifying our connections and actively working to expand our market share.

In coming years, we will be expanding our sales, marketing and service activities in India.

Sustainability is increasingly important in manufacturing. Can you share any specific sustainability initiatives or environmentally friendly solutions that Zimmermann is currently undertaking or planning for the future?

  1. Investing in and expanding the PV system
  2. Incorporating the latest power feed and regenerative modules across all Zimmermann products
  3. Implementing an ECO mode for intelligent shutdown of Zimmermann machines and peripheral units
  4. Transitioning the vehicle fleet to EV or hybrid cars, complemented by a PV system and associated fast charging stations
  5. Introducing home office policies and implementing measures to increase workplace density, reducing space requirements and energy costs
  6. Maximizing the use of online meeting tools (MS-Teams, Webex, etc.) to minimize travel activities
  7. Lowering the general room temperature from 21 to 20 degrees for reduced heating costs
  8. Adopting digital filing systems to streamline processes and cut down on printer expenses.
  9. Investing in energy-efficient server hardware.

In conclusion, what message or insights would you like to convey to our readers about Zimmermann’s role in the machine tool industry and your vision for the company’s future?

Our family business’s compact size and flat hierarchies empower swift decision-making.

We excel in promptly realizing our goals, staying consistently ahead of the competition. Preserving this agility remains a priority even as we anticipate future growth.


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