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Future of Mobility is “Eascy”: Electrified, Autonomous, Shared, Connected, and Annually Updated – PWC Report

Future of Mobility is “Eascy”: Electrified, Autonomous, Shared, Connected, and Annually Updated – PWC Report

According to a report published by PwC, the future of mobility will be defined by the concept of “eascy” which stands for  – encompassing electrified, autonomous, shared, connected, and yearly updated modes of transportation. The study underscores the factors that will shape the automotive sector by 2030, with specific focus on the key markets of the US, Europe, and China. It also emphasises the need for the automotive industry to restructure itself in terms of volume, scale, and complexity.

The report provides insights into varied aspects of future mobility by utilising mathematical modelling to analyse key performance indicators and demographic trends. The main areas covered include:

  1. Mobility Behavior of Users: The study identifies different social personas and examines how these personas may influence traffic demand.
  2. External Factors: It discusses how various factors will impact mobility habits, vehicle mileage, and frequency of usage.
  3. Car Inventory and Sales: Predictions are made regarding future car inventory levels, replacement cycles, and new sales trends.
  4. Industry Implications: The report explores how these trends will affect manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers, as well as their business models.

The “Eascy” Future Explained

  • Electrified: As emissions-free mobility becomes a global mandate, vehicles will increasingly use electricity sourced from renewable energy, ensuring carbon-neutral travel.
  • Autonomous: The development of vehicles that require no human intervention is expected to reduce reliance on public mobility platforms while expanding access to individual mobility.
  • Shared: Fleet-sharing models managed by professional services will make mobility more cost-effective through efficient use of mobile assets.
  • Connected: Future vehicles will facilitate communication between cars, traffic management infrastructure, and the outside world. Vehicles will become “third places” that blend home and workplace environments.
  • Yearly Updated: Automotive models will be updated annually to incorporate the latest hardware and software advancements, allowing manufacturers to adapt to the evolving demands of shared fleet operators.

Changing Mobility Habits

The report forecasts a significant increase in shared and autonomous mobility. By 2030, more than one-third of the kilometers driven could involve sharing concepts, while autonomous driving could account for up to 40% of total traffic. Although developments in Europe and the US are expected to progress at similar rates, China is predicted to lead the shift towards shared and autonomous mobility, outpacing the Western world.

Impact on the Automotive Value Chain

The automotive industry will undergo a comprehensive transformation after 2025, with far-reaching effects on the value chain. To remain competitive, manufacturers and suppliers must prioritize user-oriented innovations. The report emphasizes that the period between 2020 and 2025 is crucial for stakeholders, as it will shape the industry’s ability to adapt to the changes expected by 2030 and beyond.

The PwC report serves as a call to action for the automotive industry, urging companies to prepare for a future where mobility is no longer just about getting from point A to point B, but is a seamless, integrated experience that evolves with the times.


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